adventures aboard our CS34 sailboat

Tag lakefield

Rigging a Macgregor 26x – the first time

If you believe the following video, Macrgregor sailboats can be setup in under 15 minutes by a single person. So if you have a team of four, you should be ready to go in four minutes, right? First of all,… Continue Reading →

My new office

It was a beautiful day and there is a nice trail from our place to Lakefield Marina. So I slipped my notebook into my backpack and rode my bike out to the boat for the day. This turned out to… Continue Reading →

Lakefield Marina

We had no idea how hard it would be to find a location to keep your boat. We settled on Lakefield Marina since it was close and we really like Lakefield. But most sane people would realize that a narrow… Continue Reading →

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