adventures aboard our CS34 sailboat

Tag thousand islands

Thousand Islands 2021

A summary of our trip to the Thousand Islands in August 2021.

Currently in the Thousand Islands

We made it back to our favourite place and currently anchored near the Lake Fleet. It’s been a fantastic trip so far with lots of adventures, stories and blunders to share.

Creating a New Sailor

Meet out daughter, Bri. Her first trip on a sailboat was terrifying and she vowed never to go sailing again. Today we attempt to turn her into a sailor.

Exploring the Wandering Channel

Our friends suggested we explore the Wandering Channel just outside Gananoque and find a new spot to anchor. It was a bit of an adventure and we took one wrong turn.

Exploring Gananoque and Leek Island

We took a break and stayed in the same spot next to Huckleberry Island and explored the area by dinghy.

We made it to the Thousand Islands

It only took us a few years to get back to the place that made us want to sail in the first place. We were so excited to be back! It’s beautiful.

Thousand Islands Aug 2018 Summary

A summary of our 2018 Thousand Islands trip.

Kingston to Leek (Thawartway) Island

We made it to the Thousand Islands! We left Navy Bay in Kingston and made our first stop at Thwartaway Island, also known as Leek Island.

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