Nice To Meet You
If you’ve found this page, it means we’ve probably met and we shared our contact information with you. Thanks for looking us up, and looking forward to meeting you again!
Our contact info
Our boat
Foghorn Lullaby, 1990 Canadian Sailcraft (CS) 34
We bought her from the original owner back in 2018.
MMSI: 316002926

Current Location
Predict Wind Data Hub
We have a device that shares our current location with current conditions and updates whenever we have an internet connection. As long as we have cell coverage, the location should be accurate.
Click the plus icon to zoom in on our current location. Scroll to see each of our stops.
AIS Transponder
Our radio has an AIS transponder that shares our location over VHF to other local boats. There are also stations that receive this information and then shares over the internet, which means you can track us without needing a VHF and AIS device. The following only works when a station picks up our AIS signal.
Signal Private Messenger
Since our phone numbers keep changing as we find the best cellular plan we’ve started to use Signal Private Messenger for instant messages, voice and video calls. If you want to try it out and are OK with yet another instant messaging app you can find me on Signal
Go here to learn more about Signal Private Messenger:
Check out our latest adventures here: Sailboat Adventures
See our sailing timeline: Our Sailing Experience
This is a semi-private page and can only be found at this URL:
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