adventures aboard our CS34 sailboat

Tag sugar island

Drone Attack

We gather enough courage to finally launch our new drone from the boat. Everything went well until we tried to land.

Exploring Sugar Island from the Water

We needed some down time, so we spent another day on anchor off Sugar Island and explored in the dingy.

Kingston To Sugar Island

We left Confederation Basin Marina and headed to the Thousand Islands. We were unsuccessful at finding an available mooring ball at Thwartway/Leek Island so we returned to our favourite anchorage North of Sugar Island.

Anchored at Sugar Island

This is one of our favourite spots to anchor, mostly because of the lovely people that were there the first time we tried to anchor. This time the island was empty due to COVID but it was great to be… Continue Reading →

Thousand Islands – Heading home

Time to head back home. We were nearing the end of our trip and decided to sail back, seems like winds typically blow in from the East so we had a good tailwind most of the way.

Thousand Islands – Our first anchor

It was a beautiful day to sail with some good wind. We started with sails reefed to keep things a bit more level than last time. Still learning where to run lines and realized we didn’t have things setup right… Continue Reading →

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