adventures aboard our CS34 sailboat

Tag vitae

Helping SV Vitae Transit the Welland Canal

Our friends, Dave and Regina, are taking their CS40, Vitae, from Lake Ontario to Lake Erie through the Welland Canal and asked me to give them a hand. I’ve been through the locks in the Trent-Severn Waterway but these locks… Continue Reading →

Creating a New Sailor

Meet out daughter, Bri. Her first trip on a sailboat was terrifying and she vowed never to go sailing again. Today we attempt to turn her into a sailor.

Exploring the Wandering Channel

Our friends suggested we explore the Wandering Channel just outside Gananoque and find a new spot to anchor. It was a bit of an adventure and we took one wrong turn.

We made it to the Thousand Islands

It only took us a few years to get back to the place that made us want to sail in the first place. We were so excited to be back! It’s beautiful.

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